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How to Encourage Social Engagement for Your Parents This Spring

Socialization is crucial for human development and survival. We never would have gotten to this point in civilization unless we had had other community members to rely upon. And, yes, it’s true that we can technically go for long periods without interacting with other humans. We can order food, clothing and houseware online. We can request that ride-share drivers to stay silent on rides, and ask that deliveries be left at the door so that we never have to meet with someone face to face. However, going too long without interacting with other people can have serious impacts on our health, and unfortunately, older adults are often much more isolated than other members of society. 

There are many reasons why older members of society might end up more isolated than others. Some might be dealing with a chronic illness or injury that might make it difficult or painful to get out of the house. Others might be dealing with a smaller social group due to a recent move or because many of their peers have passed away. Others might be dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression or cognitive decline that has made them nervous or embarrassed about going out in public. 

Regardless of the reasoning behind it, loneliness can be dangerous for those who stay isolated from others for too long. It can worsen or lead to the development of serious mental health conditions. And, as the National Institute on Health tells us, loneliness is also known to be connected to many other devastating health conditions, such as high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease. 

Because of the very real consequences of isolation and loneliness, it’s very important that older adults do everything they can to make sure they prioritize socialization and human connection. However, when someone is already feeling lonely and withdrawn it can sometimes be difficult to find the motivation to put yourself there. So, that’s where adult children can come to the rescue. Not only can you make sure to regularly engage with your parents so that they are getting social connection engagement through their interactions with you, but there are many different ways that you can help your parents increase social interactions, and what better time to start than right now? Read on to find out how. 

Physical Activity

Not only is socialization important for older adults, but so is exercise, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Physical activity is a great way for older adults to connect with one another, and for those who are nervous about building new friendships, the focus that the exercise provides can help take some of the stress off of finding things to talk about. You don’t need to worry about awkward pauses if you’re trying to figure out how to do that tricky new move in aquafit! 

There are countless different kinds of exercise to choose from, so it’s best to discuss with your parents what their preferences are. They might want to explore something they’ve done before or try out something completely new! Here are a few options:

  • Pickleball. Pickleball has been around since the 1960s, but has surged in popularity in recent years. You can play with two people or four, and the light equipment and small court size make it especially popular with older adults. You can plan a game with friends or reach out to a local club to find other players and even private instruction if you’ve never played the game before. Pickleball is popular all over the United States, but sees the most players in Florida, which hosts the US Open Pickleball Championships. 
  • Aquafit. Aquafit is suitable for all ages, but is a particularly good choice for older adults, as outlined by APT. This is because it is a low impact form of exercise that can help increase cardio fitness, balance and mobility while remaining easy on the joints. While swimming is also a good form of exercise, aquafit is extra beneficial because of the social component. It’s a great activity to do with friends, and even if you go alone you are likely to build connections with other regulars. No cup of coffee tastes quite as good as the one after a workout in the water!
  • Tai Chi. Tai chi is an ancient martial art from China, and is a series of slow, flowing movements that require steady focus and breathing. It is both a workout and a meditative practice and can help reduce stress and anxiety. While you won’t talk during the actual practice, just like aquafit tai chi is a great opportunity to meet others at the same place each week while also receiving the benefits of exercise. 
  • Golf. Joining a golf club is a great way for an older adult to stay active and build community. Golf is a good workout without being overly strenuous, and most golf clubs offer memberships that give you access to their restaurants and special events. Joining a club can be a great way for older adults to socialize and stay active at the same time. 

Centers for Older Adults

a group of old people laughingMost communities have dedicated recreation centers that are specifically designed for the needs of older adults. They might offer counseling services, advisers on how to access special benefits, but the main focus of these centers is providing opportunities for older adults to get together and socialize while doing activities they enjoy. Some activities that might be on their schedule are:

  • Bingo nights
  • Cribbage
  • Arts and crafts
  • Conversation nights
  • Movie nights
  • Board games
  • Fitness classes

While your parents might be resistant to the idea of a place that is specifically geared towards people of a certain age, these centers can be incredibly beneficial. See if you can get your parents to agree to simply check one out. There doesn’t have to be any kind of commitment made, but why not swing by to check in a drop-in program? It’s a good opportunity to see what it’s all about and whether or not your local center provides programming that they might be interested in. 

When looking for a center you should search for senior centers or centers for older adults in your area. You might also check in at your local recreation center to see if they offer any programming that might be a good fit for your parents. 

Join a Class

Is there something your parents have always wanted to learn but they never had the time to do it before they retired? Well, what better time than now to expand their knowledge? This is a great time in their life to explore a hobby or a build a new skill. And why stop at one class? Some older adults might decide to enroll full time at a college or university, or complete their high school education if they weren’t able to do that when they were younger. 

Learning provides feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment, but it is also good for our brains. Harvard Health tells us that learning and working on a new skill can help with memory recall, problem solving and concentration, and there’s even some research that suggests that constantly learning to help prevent dementia from developing. 

But alongside all of the wonderful benefits listed above, seeking out an education is another great way to increase one’s socialization. And, seeking out new skills or a degree is also a great way to connect with people of all different ages. While it’s always important to connect with peers who have had the same life experiences as you, it’s just as important to learn and grow with people who come from different backgrounds and who are at a very different stage of life. These connections can be exciting and rejuvenating – plus think of all the wisdom that can be shared between people who are in completely different chapters of life? 

To help your parents find a good fit you should chat with them about their interests and then search out schools that offer courses in those areas. There might even be opportunities to audit classes or do an introductory session to find out if it’s something they want to continue to pursue. 


volunteers with garbage bags cleaning park areaVolunteering is an excellent way for older adults to stay connected with others. And, just like taking a class, volunteering can help connect people of all different ages and backgrounds. 

Some retirees struggle to find purpose once they are no longer working, but are not necessarily interested in finding a job that is going to tie them down with a set schedule. Volunteering allows a lot more flexibility in one’s life, while also giving the opportunity to support a cause that’s important. 

There are countless ways to get involved with volunteering, it all depends on what your parents hope to get out of it. Here are a few different places you might think about suggesting to your parents.

  • Food banks. Food banks are often in need of volunteers to help collect and sort donations, and to help plate food during meals and do general cleanup. It’s a great way to give back to the community and build connections with others who are passionate about helping those in need of support. 
  • Animal shelters. Animal shelters in your area might need someone to help walk dogs or spend time with animals inside of the shelter. Depending on your parents’ situation they might even be good candidates for foster parents to animals, which they would then take to foster events in the hopes of finding a good family. 
  • Art Festivals. Most film and theatre festivals would never be able to function without the support of hundreds of volunteers. Not only is volunteering at an arts festival or organization a great way to meet others, but it will also give you parents the chance to engage with something they love by scoring free tickets to concerts and shows. 

Of course the above list is by no means exhaustive. If there is something your parents are interested in then there’s a good chance they can get involved with it through volunteering. Most organizations are more than happy to have someone volunteer their time in exchange for some kind of benefit to the volunteer. 

Build a Social Calendar

Sometimes all your parents might need to become more social is a little bit of planning! They might be longing for connection but feel overwhelmed at the thought of setting up a phone call or what to prepare for dinner if someone were to come over. So, you can help take away some of that stress by helping them to plan events that they’re excited about. This might look like showing them how to use video chat so that they can have a weekly call with their grandkids, or showing them how to make a simple meal so that they can have their neighbor over for dinner. Planning regular social events not only keeps older adults engaged but also gives them something to look forward to each week, and anticipation is good for one’s health. 

And make sure that you’re a big part of your parents’ social calendar. If you’re reading this article it’s clear that you care deeply about your parents, and seeing you is an important part of their socialization. Plan a weekly outing with them, or offer to drive them to some of their classes or volunteering events. Remember, socialization is important for anyone of any age, so seeing your parents is just as good for you as it is for them. 

Logistical Support

Some older adults desperately want to connect with others, but the logistics are getting in the way – this is where you come in! Help your parents connect with others by setting up their devices and writing down simple instructions for how to access email, calls, text messages and video platforms. You might also look into getting new devices that are easier to navigate, as well as changing settings to allow for easier use – this might look like enlarging fonts or setting up notifications. PC Mag even has a list of phones that are good choices for older adults. 

Something else that many older adults struggle with is transportation, especially if they have recently given up their license or simply aren’t comfortable being on the road all the time. So take the time to help them get around on public transit or how to call a taxi or arrange for another form of transit. You might even check if there is accessible transit for older adults that serves your area! 

It will likely take time for your parents to change their habits, so be patient as they build up their socialization muscles. With support from you there is no reason why they shouldn’t have vibrant and exciting social lives, and leave isolation far in the past.