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5 steps to
overcoming anxiety

Self-reflection and keeping an eye on one’s physical and mental symptoms are two ways to observe one’s own anxiety. You can:

  1. Pay attention to physical symptoms like a faster heart rate, excessive sweating, or tension in the muscles.
  2. To learn more about their anxiety and identify patterns, keep a journal of their thoughts, feelings, and triggers.
  3. Relaxation and mindfulness practices, such as yoga, deep breathing, and meditation, should be practiced.
  4. Find self-help materials like books, videos, or therapy to improve your anxiety management skills.

Willingness is a key factor in overcoming anxiety. It means choosing to face and feel uncomfortable emotions, rather than avoiding them. Avoidance only reinforces anxiety, but facing it can help you realize that most of the time, you are safe. Willingness to face anxiety and emotions is a skill that can be developed. Facing anxiety can lead to a decrease in anxiety and better problem-solving skills.

Exploring one’s own anxiety as a means to overcome it can involve the following steps:

  1. Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to anxiety. Ask yourself what triggers your anxiety and what your typical response to it is.
  2. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, to increase awareness of your emotions and physical sensations.
  3. Journaling: Keeping a journal can help you identify patterns in your anxiety and track your progress as you work to overcome it.
  4. Therapy: Consider seeking out therapy or counseling to gain further insight into your anxiety and learn effective coping strategies.
  5. Challenging negative thoughts: Challenge negative thoughts that contribute to your anxiety by questioning their validity and replacing them with more positive or rational thoughts.
  6. Gradual exposure: Gradually expose yourself to situations that trigger your anxiety, in a controlled and safe manner, to help build confidence and reduce anxiety over time.

In this stage you have already worked your way through a multitude of various coping strategies and have found what works best for you. You now must focus your attention to actively using these techniques alongside your therapist to begin overcoming your anxiety. Everyone is different and so are our struggles, but you have made the proper preparations and it is time to push anxiety out of your way with Total Life.

In this stage you have made tremendous strides in overcoming your anxiety and are living a much healthier and fulfilled life as a result. However, struggles such an anxiety require careful attention to keep at bay. You must continue using coping strategies and being conscious of your emotional state to keep your progress and avoid a potential relapse into an anxious state of being.
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92% of members 
stay with their assigned therapist

Online Therapists
Therapy from the comfort of your home

Overcome Anxiety with Online Therapy

Know that you can get help if you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety. Anxiety disorders can be treated successfully with therapy. Our team of therapists at Total Life is trained to assist clients in coping with their anxiety symptoms and regaining control of their lives. Cognitive behavioral therapy, which has been shown to reduce anxiety, is our primary therapy approach. For anxiety, we provide one-on-one therapy as well as group therapy, which we are currently developing and hope to offer in the future. Our support staff is here to assist you in finding a local anxiety therapist. They can help you locate an anxiety therapist who is suitable for you and who can assist you in achieving your therapy objectives. We at Total Life believe that overcoming anxiety should be accessible to everyone. We are here to assist you if you are prepared to begin your recovery journey.

If you are looking for support, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-567-5433 or sign up online.


With Total Life’s teletherapy services, clients can access care from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need to travel to a physical location.


Teletherapy allows clients to schedule sessions at times that are convenient for them, making it easier to fit therapy into their busy schedules.


Some clients may feel more comfortable seeking therapy from the privacy of their own home, rather than in a physical therapy office.

Teletherapy allows you to receive mental health care from the comfort of your own home. With Total Life, you can connect with a trained therapist through video conferencing or phone calls and receive the support you need, no matter where you are located. Total Life is a trusted and caring provider of online therapy services, and our therapists are dedicated to helping you improve your mental health and well-being. We understand that seeking therapy can be intimidating, and we are here to make the process as easy and comfortable as possible for you. Contact us today to learn more about how Total Life online therapy can help you.

If you are looking for a therapist who is right for you, there are a few options available. One option is to do some research online and look for therapists in your area who offer online therapy services and specialize in the areas you are seeking help with. However, with Total Life, you can benefit from the expertise of a care coordinator who will work closely with you to identify the best therapist for your needs. Our care coordinators are dedicated to helping you find the right therapist, and they will take the time to understand your unique needs and goals to ensure that you are matched with the therapist who is the best fit for you. We believe that finding the right therapist is an important step in your journey to improve your mental health and well-being, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about how Total Life can help you find the right therapist.

At Total Life, we believe that therapy is not just for people with mental health problems. In fact, many people seek out Total Life therapy to address a wide range of concerns, such as relationship issues, stress, grief, and life transitions. Our therapists are trained to help you with these challenges and to support you as you work towards your goals. We understand that everyone’s needs are different, and we are here to provide you with personalized care that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Total Life offers a range of benefits for seniors who are interested in accessing individual online therapy. Through Total Life, seniors can easily connect with a Medicare-approved therapist and access online therapy services from the comfort and privacy of their own home. Total Life’s online platform provides seniors with a wider range of therapy options and allows them to schedule sessions at a time that is convenient for them. In addition, seniors who choose to access therapy through Total Life may benefit from reduced stigma and improved accessibility, as online therapy can provide a more anonymous and discreet way to access mental health services.

Therapists Who Understand Aging

Feel Optimistic After One Session

After one session a majority of clients feel optimistic about their situation.

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We specialize in supporting seniors

Overcome Anxiety with Total Life

We understand the importance of seeing actual change in your mental health. A majority of our clients report change to their mental health after just six sessions. Our teletherapy services are tailored specifically to the unique needs of seniors and are often completely free for those covered by Medicare. Our therapists are experienced and trained to provide personalized care that addresses the specific challenges and concerns of older adults. With Total Life, you’ll have access to affordable, convenient, and personalized therapy


Total Life offers Medicare-covered therapy services, which means that seniors may be able to access care at no cost or a minimal cost.

Personalized Care

Total Life is committed to providing personalized care to each of its clients, ensuring that they receive the support and resources they need to improve their mental health.


Total Life’s therapists are experienced in working with seniors and are trained in a variety of therapeutic approaches, ensuring that clients receive high-quality care.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, often known as TMS therapy, is a non-invasive treatment for depression and anxiety. It stimulates particular brain regions that are thought to be important in controlling mood and behaviour using magnetic fields.

A machine that produces a magnetic field is positioned close to the patient’s head during TMS therapy. The targeted brain region experiences an electrical current as a result of the magnetic field travelling through the skull and into the brain. It is believed that this current will affect the neurons’ activity in the desired region and enhance mood and behaviour.

The best therapies for anxiety can vary depending on the individual and the severity and type of anxiety. However, some commonly recommended and effective therapies for anxiety include:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop coping skills, and improve their overall well-being.
  2. Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing individuals to the things they fear or avoid, in a controlled and safe environment, to help them overcome their anxiety.
  3. Mindfulness-based therapies: Mindfulness-based therapies, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), involve learning to focus on the present moment and accept thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  4. Medication: Anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be prescribed to help manage symptoms of anxiety.
  5. Lifestyle changes: Exercise, relaxation techniques, and engaging in enjoyable activities can help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Yes, seniors with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop an anxiety condition. A traumatic incident, such as active conflict, a natural disaster, or a major accident, can cause PTSD, a mental health condition.

Symptoms of PTSD include reliving the traumatic incident, avoidance tactics, hypervigilance, and elevated anxiety. These symptoms have the potential to become bothersome over time and pave the way for the emergence of an anxiety disorder.

Seniors who have gone through trauma and are exhibiting PTSD symptoms should seek help from a mental health expert. It is possible to manage symptoms and enhance general wellbeing with appropriate treatment, which may include psychotherapy and medication.

Teletherapy, commonly referred to as internet therapy, can indeed help with anxiety. Instead of receiving treatment in person, people with mental health issues can now use secure online platforms like video conferencing.

Individuals who live in remote places, have mobility challenges, or simply prefer the convenience and flexibility of receiving treatment from the comfort of their own home may find that online counselling is an useful type of treatment for anxiety.

The best way to check your coverage is by calling us at 1-800-567-5433 or signing up online.

Trauma can affect older adults in similar ways to younger individuals, but there may also be some unique challenges that are associated with aging. Some of the ways that trauma can impact older adults include:

  • Increased feelings of isolation and loneliness: Older adults may be more likely to experience social isolation, which can make it harder for them to cope with the effects of trauma.
  • Physical health problems: Trauma can contribute to physical health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, and sleep disturbances, which can be more prevalent in older adults.
  • Cognitive decline: Older adults who have experienced trauma may be more likely to experience cognitive decline, including memory problems and difficulty with decision-making.
  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety: Trauma can increase the risk of developing depression and anxiety, which can be particularly problematic in older adults who may already be struggling with physical health issues or social isolation.
  • Difficulty accessing support: Older adults may face challenges in accessing support, such as lack of transportation or difficulties navigating the healthcare system, which can make it harder for them to receive the help they need to cope with trauma.

With us at Total Life! At Total Life we have a roster flush with experienced and specialized therapists that will fit you perfectly. 92% of Total Life clients stay with their designated therapist.

By calling us at 1-800-567-5433 or signing up

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Common questions about anxiety

  1. Medical conditions: Chronic health problems and age-related physical changes can contribute to anxiety in the elderly.
  2. Cognitive decline: Age-related changes in memory and thinking can contribute to anxiety and fear.
  3. Life events: Loss of a spouse, friends, or other loved ones, financial difficulties, or changes in living situation can cause anxiety in the elderly.
  4. Medications: Some medications can have side effects that increase anxiety.
  5. Substance abuse: Substance abuse, including alcohol, can contribute to anxiety in older adults.

It is possible to treat geriatric anxiety by combining medical and psychotherapy methods. Several typical therapies for anxiety in elderly people include:

  1. Medication: To assist treat anxiety symptoms, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs including benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
  2. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), as well as other talk therapies, can be helpful in managing anxiety in older persons.
  3. Lifestyle adjustments: Using relaxation methods, exercising, and partaking in fun hobbies can all assist to lessen the effects of anxiety.
  4. Treatment for substance abuse: If substance abuse is a factor in anxiety, treatment for substance abuse may be required.
  5. Joining a support group can give older adults who struggle with anxiety a sense of belonging and a source of assistance.

Therapy is a valid therapeutic option for anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for example, can help people with anxiety recognize and confront harmful thought patterns, build coping mechanisms, and enhance their general wellbeing. According to research, counselling can be useful in easing anxiety symptoms and enhancing quality of life. For several types of anxiety disorders, CBT has been shown to be just as effective as medicine, and it frequently has a longer-lasting effect.

It is advised that you or a loved one seek out a mental health specialist with expertise in treating anxiety disorders if you or they are experiencing anxiety problems. You can create a specialized treatment strategy together that takes into account your individual requirements and situations.

If you are looking for support, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-567-5433 or sign up online.

In the USA, getting a therapy dog for anxiety can be a helpful and enjoyable experience, but it does take some preparation and work. The steps are as follows:

  1. See if a therapy dog is the perfect choice for you: It’s crucial to realize that caring for a dog needs time, effort, and money, even if a therapy dog can offer comfort and assistance.
  2. Find a reputable organization that certifies therapy dogs. Some of these organizations are Therapy Dogs International (TDI), Delta Society, and Pet Partners.
  3. Pick the ideal dog: When selecting a dog that will function well as a therapy dog, take into account aspects such as size, energy level, and disposition. It’s important to have a well-mannered, sociable dog.

Age-related physical changes and medical illnesses, particularly chronic health issues, are frequently linked as the primary causes of worry in senior people. These illnesses can exacerbate anxiety by resulting in discomfort, agony, or modifications to how the body functions. The elderly may also experience anxiety due to life events like the loss of a spouse, friends, or other loved ones, financial troubles, or changes in living circumstances.

Therapists Who Understand Aging

See Change After Six Sessions

After six sessions a majority of clients have reflected that actual change occured.

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