Julia Storch, Ph.D is a Psychologist who graduated from California School of Professional Psychology in 2020. As a trained clinician, Julia has 5 years of experience in the field and is licensed in California.
Julia Storch
Anxiety Trauma
Life Transitions Grief and Loss
Learn more about Julia
As a psychologist, I enjoy getting to know my patients beyond what ails them – where they did they grow up? What are some of their fondest childhood memories? What is their favorite book, or song? When working with older adults, I get to see how these stories have woven the rich, complex fabric of their lives. I enjoy helping older adults problem-solve and implement changes to self-care and their self-image without completing unraveling or losing sight of what has made their lives special.
Online therapy is effective for older adults because it helps to remove barriers to treatment access. Many older adults do not drive, whether due to a health condition (e.g., vision loss or chronic pain), finances, or preference, which would limit their options to treatment. By participating in therapy online, older adults can access therapy in an environment that is comfortable to them (home) and minimize disruptions to care that in-person appointments can cause.
I approach therapy sessions by a process I call “orienting and contracting” – I discuss the agenda of the session (orienting) and then ask the patient if that sounds acceptable or if something added to the agenda (contracting). Often, a session will consist of a brief check-in about the time between sessions, review of any practice assignments, discussion of one to two core concerns, and then a check-out where we schedule the follow-up appointments and determine if a practice assignment would be helpful. I aim to be collaborative in sessions to ensure that we mutually agree on topics and goals, and are doing tasks relevant to those topics and goals.
If you are someone who is starting therapy for the first time, I would advise you to be gentle with yourself. Emotional pain and suffering doesn’t develop overnight, nor does healing. Much of what you struggle with might have been an effective response or “solution” to past problems, but this solution no longer works or has become self-defeating in some way and yet you are doing them anyway. It is okay if changing those patterns is hard. Be gentle with yourself if therapy feels scary or if you struggle to change.
Therapists Who Understand Aging
Have Hope After Three Sessions
After three sessions a majority of clients have hope that their situation is improving.
Start Your Journey Towards Better Health
Reach out to us through our website or by phone. We’ll verify your Medicare coverage to see if you qualify for free therapy sessions.
After discussing your needs, we recommend one of our experienced therapists and schedule your first appointment.
Therapists Who Understand Aging
See Change After Six Sessions
After six sessions a majority of clients have reflected that actual change occured.